Contact areaContact area Contact area
07851 / 860-0
Our Sort code and BIC
Sort code66451862


Sort code 66451862
Commercial register no. HRA 370665 beim Amtsgericht Freiburg
VAT identification number according to §27 a UStG DE 142215040
Chief Executive Officer Wolfgang Huber
Management Board Nicolas Adler
Phone 07851 / 860-0
Fax 07851 / 860-4000
Competent regulatory authorities:

Europäische Zentralbank
Sonnemannstraße 20
60314 Frankfurt am Main

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht
Graurheindorfer Str. 108
53117 Bonn
Marie-Curie-Str. 24-28
60439 Frankfurt am Main

Arbitration body:

In the event of disputes with Sparkasse, you have the option of contacting the arbitration body of the Sparkasse arbitration body for Baden-Württemberg (Sparkassen-Schlichtungsstelle Baden-Württemberg).

Your concern is to be sent in written form to the following address:

Am Hauptbahnhof 2
70173 Stuttgart

You can find the Sparkasse arbitration body for Baden-Württemberg online at: 

The details shall be set out by the rules of procedure of the Sparkasse arbitration body for Baden-Württemberg, which shall be provided on request.

 Sparkasse Hanauerland is a member of the Dispute Resolution Scheme of this approved Consumer Dispute Resolution Scheme.

The Sparkasse email address is:

European Online Dispute Resolution Platform: The European Commission has set up an online dispute resolution platform. The Online Dispute Resolution Platform can be used by consumers for out-of-court resolution of disputes arising from purchase or service contracts concluded online.
Information on insurance brokerage:

Information on the register of insurance brokers:
Registry number: VVRN 10070327253

Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V. (German Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Breite Straße 29
10178 Berlin

Phone: 0180 600 58 50
Price per call from landlines: €0.20; Max. €0.60 per call from mobiles

Competent professional chamber:
Industrie- und Handelskammer Südlicher Oberrhein
Schnewlinstraße 11-13
79098 Freiburg

Type of activity

Bonded insurance agent with licence exemption as per Section 34d Section 7 Satz 1 Nr. 1 of the Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung); Federal Republic of Germany

Professional regulations:

  • Section 34d of the Industrial Code (Gewerbeordnung (GewO))
  • Sections 59 - 68 of the Insurance Contract Act (Gesetz über den Versicherungsvertrag (VVG))
  • Provision on Insurance Mediation (Verordnung über die Versicherungsvermittlung und -beratung (VersVermV))
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